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Pauline Pottery The following article appeared the WPA
Press, Vol. 5, July 2000
Ori-anne Pagel gave us an update on the Pauline log cabin restoration, at the
June meeting of the Wisconsin Pottery Association. The cabin was disassembled
last fall and stored for the winter. A new location in Edgerton has been chosen
for the cabin, at the end of Swift Street Alley near the pond and original clay
pits. Ori-anne reported that a bid has been accepted for the footings and
foundation. The city of Edgerton has a work order and the site will be graded
and prepared for the foundation any day now, weather being the main impedance.
When the preparatory work has been completed the footings and foundation will be
poured. This is exciting news for the group that has worked so hard the past
year plus to move and restore the cabin. Congratulations on the progress you’ve
made! The next hurdle for the cabin restoration project, as Ori-anne reported, is
to move the chimney and fireplace. These structures have been taken apart and
stored, and once the foundation has been poured, can be put in place. The cabin
restoration committee is seeking a volunteer to help with this project. Once the
foundation is ready and the chimney and fireplace are in position, the cabin can
be rebuilt. Just a reminder that windows can be purchased for the cabin, for $300 per
window. WPA members can donate, in $5 increments, to purchase a window for the
cabin. As of our June 13 meeting, approximately $150 had been collected towards
the $300 purchase cost. If you wish to donate, please bring your contribution to
the WPA picnic, August 8, or contact any of the club officers, Barb Huhn, Tim
Holthaus, Scott Grant, or Kari Kenefick about making a donation to the window. The log cabin restoration is supported by the Arts Council of Edgerton (ACE);
Ori-anne Pagel is the contact person and can be reached at (608) 884-6787 or
(608) 884-3195. Related Pages: |