Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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Pauline Pottery
Chicago Illinois
Edgerton Wisconsin

The following article appeared the WPA Press, Vol. 8, April 2001 

Arts Council of Edgerton Projects Update

 Ori-Anne Pagel, an Arts Council of Edgerton (ACE) member, cheerfully reported at the March 2001 WPA meeting that a contractor had been secured to move the chimney of the Pauline Log Cabin, a structure that was used as a salesroom for Pauline Pottery in Edgerton. Ori-Anne has a signup sheet and ACE is looking for volunteers to help with the chimney work. This from Ori-Anne: 

"We have accepted the enclosed bid from Triple A Masonry and with Mr. Bob Davis' donations of over $800 in materials and many hours, we will be able to move the fireplace and chimney this spring. Last fall the foundation was laid, the logs are still in storage and by the end of April, weather permitting, we will be able to begin moving the chimney, stone by stone, to its foundation in Clay Pit Park, at the end of Lawton Street. 

We will need workers to take the chimney apart, clean each rock and move the rocks to the new foundation. That will take about 2-3 full days and then another 4-5 days to build it all back up again. It will then be a working fireplace used to heat the building for ACE meetings and other cool weather activities. 

The first work day is scheduled for Saturday, April 21; come work a two-hour shift, or all day. The rain date is Sunday, April 22. We will need at least 3-4 people available at 9AM on April 21 to start removing the stones and by 10AM an assembly line of people to clean the stones and mark them. In addition, others will be hauling the stones to the new site. 

Most tools, etc. will be provided, but bring or wear rubber striping gloves, work gloves and chemical safety glasses. A vegetable-based acid will be used in the stone-cleaning process. Hammers will also be helpful. 

We will need several sawhorses to make tables for cleaning the stones. Those who are unable to work can help by donating treats for breaks and lunches for the volunteers.

--Ori-Anne Pagel, WPA and Arts Council of Edgerton

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