Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI 53701-0705

Website Content Use


 2017 Presentation Schedule
**Wisconsin Pottery Association Member

February 14
Member’s Choice

March 14
Cast Iron Cookware
Presented by Terry Payne

April 11
Peters and Reed
Presented by Peter Flaherty **

May 9
Red Wing Museum
Presented by Steve & Barb Brown

June 13
Crystalline Glazes on Pottery Made Between 1900 and 1940
Presented by Steve Schoneck

No Meeting

No Meeting

August 26
22nd Annual Show and Sale!
Exhibition Hall at the Alliant Energy Center

Also the
 23rd Annual Ceramic Arts Studio Convention

September 12
Pittsville Pottery
Presented by Mary Faust

October 10
To be Announced
Presented by Marie and Mark Latta

November 14
To be Announced

December 12
WPA Holiday Party /
 Annual Meeting
White elephant exchange

If you own examples of the pottery being discussed, please bring them along!

Meetings are held at the Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street, Madison Wisconsin unless otherwise indicated.  Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of each month.  A board meeting is held at 6:00 in which everyone is invited.  We begin the regular meeting at 6:30 p.m. with an informal show & tell period, then a brief business meeting, followed by the feature presentation.  Onsite is a cafe if you'd like to get something to eat or drink. We invite you to attend our meetings, and hope you will consider joining our group.

See also our listing of national pottery shows & conventions and Wisconsin Antique Shows by clicking here.

Past Presentations & Other Histories