Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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Pauline Pottery
Chicago Illinois
Edgerton Wisconsin

The following article appeared the WPA Press, Vol. 9, July 2001 

Pauline Log Cabin Progress and Work Update

The Pauline Log Cabin is in Edgerton, WI where it is in the process of being relocated and restored.

The log cabin has had a great donation of $2,000 that will pay for the fireplace completely. As you know that is not everything: the next step is the logs (some need to be replaced or repaired) and the roof. (We’ve just received a picture of the original roof.)

The Chimney is down, cleaned and moved to its new location but the fireplace is not yet all there. On Sat., June 16 and June 23 at 9AM the same is planned as on previous work days; remove rock, clean it and put it in piles at the new site. Bob Davis will be there—he promised to take the chimney down and lead us on to the next step, with plans to return by himself on week days to start to put it all back up.

Call Rick 884-8888 with questions (and presumably about new work dates).

Please come and bring a friend; see if we can't get this job done. Thanks again to all the WPA members who came last time. And before.

--Ori-Anne Pagel, WPA and Arts Council of Edgerton

Editor’s Note: This information was taken from a June 15 email. Please call the number listed for up-to-date information on work days for the log cabin.

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