Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

Website Content Use


All the text and pictures on this Web server are copyright 1999-2003 Wisconsin Pottery Association.

Terms of Use:

Printing & storage of photos & information for personal use

The Wisconsin Pottery Association grants you permission to print or store electronically all content from this site for exclusive personal use. 

Non-commercial Web use of photos & information

If you have a personal home page or non-commercial Web service with absolutely no advertising or selling, you may use photographs and quotes from the text of the website with a hyperlinked credit on every page where the photos and quotes appears. Acceptable HTML is

Photographs & Information courtesy of <a href="http://www.wisconsinpottery.org/">Wisconsin Pottery Association</a>

People will know the original source of the pictures and information and can find the on-line copyright statement. You do not need to pay for usage. As a courtesy, email the webmaster a link to the information.

Limited commercial Web use of information

If you are using information to give background on eBay, Amazon or similar auctions, please include a hyperlinked credit on every page where information appears. Acceptable HTML is

Information courtesy of <a href="http://www.wisconsinpottery.org/">Wisconsin Pottery Association</a>

Note that no pictures from the website may be used in any commercial usage, even in these limited examples without express written permission from the Wisconsin Pottery Association.

Commercial Web use of photos and information

If you would like to use pictures or information on a commercial page, please send your request to the webmaster for approval.  Include the following:

  1. The URL of the website where you want to use the information or pictures.
  2. Description of how & why you are using the information or pictures.

The webmaster may grant permission or will contact the copyright holder. The webmaster may require a preview of the web pages before granting final approval.  You must include a hyperlinked credit on every page where photos or information appears.  Acceptable HTML is:

Photographs & Information courtesy of <a href="http://www.wisconsinpottery.org/">Wisconsin Pottery Association</a>

Note: Remember that pictures of people are not model-released and cannot be used for advertising  (e.g., brochures, catalogs, print ads).  Editorial usage of photos (e.g., newspaper and magazine articles, books) may be granted, please email the webmaster. You cannot use pictures in advertising (e.g., an on-line product brochure or anything else that is selling) without getting a model release from any person whose image is recognizable in the photo.

Use of photos and Web pages in print

If you would like to use pictures or information in print, please send your request to the webmaster for approval.  Include the following:

  1. Description of how & why you are using the information or pictures.

The webmaster may grant permission or will contact the copyright holder.

Pictures and Text

Please feel free to redistribute via hardcopy or email for noncommercial purposes any pictures or information, but please don't break up documents and please attribute the source in such a way that someone can find the most up-to-date version on the Web.

Please do not ever copy any content to a public Web server. Link to the pages instead. The WPA guarantees not to break any links. The WPA is constantly added and updating the content of this website.