Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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WPA Press
The Newsletter Of The Wisconsin Pottery Association

Issue No. V    July 2000

Welcome to the July 2000 edition of the WPA Press! Hull House Pottery
Pauline Cabin Restoration Project Update Caveat Emptor
Spring Trip Reports:  What We Did on Our Spring Vacation Fake? Fraud? or Find?
Spring Antiquing in Eastern South Dakota Pottery Web Sites for Your Surfing Pleasure
Welcome Back Dave!! WPA to Party on the East Side!
Cowan Pottery

Welcome to the July 2000 edition of the WPA Press!How it has gotten to be July already is beyond me. Hope you are enjoying vacations, warm sunny days and plenty of trips to your favorite antique locations around the USA — and perhaps beyond! Please consider writing a short narrative (or a long one) and sharing it with us in the fall WPA Press. All submissions are accepted. See the final page of this issue for submission information. In this issue of the Press, Jim Tyne shares his spring break experiences at the George Ohr museum in Biloxi, Mississippi, we have an update on the Pauline Log Cabin restoration, and Barb Huhn and John Marvin share some “buyer beware” stories on antique forgeries. In addition, we recall some fantastic recent WPA presentations on Hull House and Cowan Potteries. Enjoy your travels and remember to join us August 8 at Burrows Park for the annual WPA Picnic — $6 buys a dinner that evening. A map of the park, on the east side of Madison off N. Sherman Ave., is included in this issue. - Kari Kenefick, editor, WPA Press 

Welcome Back Dave!! We had a pleasant surprise on June 13 as Dave Auclair attended the WPA's June meeting. Dave has had some serious health challenges recently, but he was as chipper, bright and friendly as ever! It was great to see him "out and about". We promise to not work him too hard if he attends the annual Exhibit and Sale on August 26. Dave is a founding member of the WPA - a wealth of pottery knowledge, and a very good friend to many in the club. We wish you the very best, Dave!!

Pottery Web Sites for Your Surfing Pleasure Barb Huhn submitted this list of pottery-related web sites: 

www.redwingnet.com - Wing tips Home Page, RedWing, Rumrill.

hometown.aol.com/pmann10079/buck.html - B&S Collectibles, Red Wing, Franciscan and many other patterns. 

 www.ohioriverpottery.com/roseville_exchange/roseville.html - Chinese reproductions of Roseville pottery, compared with authentic Roseville pieces.

www.noisyboy.com - pottery sellers 

www.amartpot.org - American Art Pottery Association website. 

www.redwingcollectors.org - official site for the RedWing Collector's Society.

http://users.2z.net/hyperexp/frankoma.htm  - Christopher Worth's Frankoma website. 

Send us your favorite pottery-related web site and we'll print them in the WPA Press. - Barb Huhn

WPA to Party on the East Side!
After enduring years of complaints for having the annual WPA picnic on the west side of Madison, the club has caved to pressure (never let it be said that we are not flexi-ble) and agreed to move the party to the east side. This August 8th will find the WPA partying on the fashionable east side of Madison at Burrows Park. Which raised the logical question: Where is Burrows Park? This map should help you find the park. The star on the map is for Kappel’s Clock shop on N. Sherman Avenue. (This is the point at which Sherman converges with Fordham and becomes N. Sherman Ave.) The map shows both Harbort Dr. and Burrows Rd.; Burrows Park sits between these two streets and on Lake Mendota. Once you get to the clock shop, turn towards the lake on Burrows Rd. and drive 1–1.5 blocks. You should be able to see the stone picnic shelter. There is a parking lot just past the shelter. The picnic starts at about 6PM. Cost is $6, payable at the “door”. Prepare to fend off a mosquito or two. See you Tuesday, August 8th!! KK 

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