Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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Kurt Wild
b. November 22, 1931
Wild Pottery
River Falls, Wisconsin

Above is Kurt Wild holding a glazed but unfired tile.  He described how he adds food color to the glaze to aid in decorating.  The glazes tend to look the same before firing.  On the screen behind him are three sides of the same vase.  Note how the butterflies change location and size.

From his biography....

"He has won over twenty-five prizes or honors for excellence in over sixty juried or invitational exhibitions. His clay work is included in many private collections in this country and abroad as well as the permanent collections of the Milwaukee Art Center, University of Wisconsin-LaCrosse and Southwest State University, Marshall, Minnesota. He has been a guest artist-speaker and exhibition juror on numerous occasions. He has written for Ceramics Monthly magazine and Leon Nigrosh's book Low Fire, wherein his unique blackware firing process and drum kiln are described, along with photographs of his work. The late Dorothy Adlow, art critic for the Christian Science Monitor, described him as a "man with imagination, discrimination and true talent.

A member brought this vase to our March 2002 show & tell.  The vase was glazed, sgraffitodecorated and soluble salt stained on February 28, 2001 by Kurt Wild and thrown by Bill Gossman of New London Minnesota.

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Related Sites: (The sites will open up in a new window)

Wild Pottery - Kurt Wild's website with many pictures of his work, his biography and descriptions of his techniques.