Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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Pauline Pottery
Chicago Illinois
Edgerton Wisconsin

The following article appeared the WPA Press, Vol. 17, Summer 2003 

Pauline Log Cabin Grand Opening, July 5, 2003!

Progress is being made on restoring the Pauline Log Cabin in Edgerton, Wisconsin. Ori-Anne Pagel provided the following update.

A few facts on the Pauline log cabin: This cabin was part of the estate of Pauline Jacobus, in Edgerton, WI, which was once the home of Pauline Pottery, Norse Pottery, Edgerton Pottery, Rock Pottery, American Art Clay and Pickard China.

The cabin now resides at the Clay Pit Heritage Park, 305 W. Lawton St., Edgerton, WI. It was moved from it’s earlier home by deconstructing it log by log, moving the pieces, and reassembling them at the current site.

The cabin, which will serve as a “mini museum”, will have it’s GRAND OPENING July 5, 2003, from 11am–4pm at the W. Lawton St. location.

The completed cabin will have an exhibit display case, large screen VCR and a bench to sit on to watch the videos of our local history. We have a video on Norse Pottery from the Wisconsin Pottery Association and hope to get a video on Pickard China. During this coming Sesquicentennial year we plan to make other videos, such as on our other potteries and on the history of the cabin itself.

Anyone wishing to donate to the cabin fund can do so by sending a check to:

Arts Council of Edgerton
104 W. Fulton St.
Edgerton, WI 53534

 - Ori-Anne and Paul Pagel, WPA Members, and representatives of the Arts Council of Edgerton and Pauline Log Cabin Restoration Project, Edgerton, WI.

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