Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI 53701-0705
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Fulper, Clifton & More,
the Art Pottery of New Jersey
Wisconsin Pottery Association 2007 Exhibit
August 25, 2007
The Wisconsin Pottery Association
started working on the 2007 exhibit at the 2006 Show & Sale. Members
ask dealers and each other what they would like to see.
After some discussion over the fall, the group started to come together on
having Fulper as the subject of the exhibit. At
first there was the debate if we could bring together an all Fulper show. It was
determined that we could do an all Fulper show, just like our past single
company shows on Roseville and Weller. Others then talked about the other
potteries that could be shown which might never fit in another show.
Others added that it would be a learning experience for many members and the
public to include these other potteries. That was enough to seal the deal
to expand the exhibit to include the other potteries of New Jersey. We
hope you'll enjoy our 12th annual show in August of 2007.
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