Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI 53701-0705
Website Content Use
Red Wing Pottery
Red Wing, Minnesota
The Red Wing Legacy: Stoneware, Art Ware and Dinnerware

A few moments before the exhibit opened with its hundreds of examples of Red
Wing Art ware, stoneware and dinner ware.
Bibliography & further reading
The following publications were used in the preparation of this exhibit and
provide further reading.
Art Pottery of the Midwest
by Marion John Nelson, University Art Museum, University of
Minnesota, Minneapolis |
Red Wing Art Pottery Including Pottery Made for
RumRill / Classic American Pottery from the 30s, 40s, 50, & 60s
by Ray Reiss. Property, Chicago, 1996 |
Red Wing Potters & Their Wares
by Gary and Bonnie Tefft. Third Edition. Locust Enterprises,
Menomonee Falls, 1996 |
Art Pottery of the United States
by Paul Evans, Feingold and Lewis Publishing, New York, 1974 |
Red Wing Art Pottery Two / Including Pottery Made for
by Ray Reiss. Property, Chicago, 2000 |
Red Wing Stoneware / An Identification and Value
by Dan DePasquale, Gail DePasquale, and Larry Peterson, Collector Books,
Paducah, 1983 |
Red Wing Advertising Stoneware, Vols. I & II
by Terry and Darla Schuett. SSen Publishing, Wausau, 1998,
1999 |
Red Wing Dinnerware Price and Identification Guide
by Ray Reiss. Property, Chicago, 1998 |
WPA Exhibit Related Pages:
Overview of 2002 WPA Exhibit
- The Red Wing Legacy
Stoneware at the 2002 WPA Exhibit
Art Ware at the 2002 WPA Exhibit
Dinnerware at the 2002 WPA Exhibit
Bibliography & further reading
What Is It
Additional Examples of Red Wing from
the Press Release
Press Release for the 2002 WPA
Show & Sale
Wisconsin Pottery Show & Sale