Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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The Red Wing Legacy: Stoneware, Art Ware and Dinnerware

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If it isn't on display in the exhibit, its a good chance you'll find an example at one of the dealer's booths.

The dealers who sell at our show include some of the finest pottery dealers in the Midwest.  Dealers come from Ohio to Oklahoma to North Dakota and everywhere in-between.  In addition to antique pottery dealers, several studio potteries presented their wares.  
Author Mark Bassett's booth had numerous examples of Roseville, Weller and his pottery books for sale.

This dealer specialized in Roseville.

Another view of the dealer's booth showing the wide variety of Roseville that they were selling.

This dealer's booth contain several Red Wing Nokomis vase seen in the upper center of the picture.

This dealer's display has several examples of Muncie, Roseville and Van Briggle

This dealer's wide range of pottery included Madison Ceramic Arts on the front table and to some impressive arts & crafts style pottery on the shelves.

This dealer had a large selection of figurines, especially bird related.
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WPA Exhibit Related Pages:

Overview of 2002 WPA Exhibit - The Red Wing Legacy
     Stoneware at the 2002 WPA Exhibit
     Art Ware at the 2002 WPA Exhibit
     Dinnerware at the 2002 WPA Exhibit
     Bibliography & further reading
     What Is It Table
     Dealer's Booths
Additional Examples of Red Wing from the Press Release
Press Release for the 2002 WPA Show & Sale
Wisconsin Pottery Show & Sale