Wisconsin Pottery Association The Wisconsin Pottery Association (WPA) invites you to join its ranks. We are a group of pottery collectors who share an enthusiasm for all types of pottery. Our monthly meetings include educational presentations by members or guest speakers as well as informal discussions and displays of recent finds or mystery pieces that members wish to share with the group. The WPA is a non-profit 501 (c)(3) organization affiliated with the State Historical Society of Wisconsin. The meeting room is opened by 5:30, so people can bring their dinners to sit & talk with others. The meeting begins at 6:30 PM with show & tell, a brief business meeting and then a featured presentation . Often our presenters are authors of current publications or otherwise knowledgeable on the topic of the month. We meet in Madison at the Goodman Community Center, 149 Waubesa Street. Nine meetings are scheduled yearly and are held generally on the second Tuesday of the month. Yearly dues are $20 for an individual and $30 for a dual membership. Visitors are welcome to attend at no cost. For your dues, discount book purchases, access to the WPA's reference books & materials and WPA member directory. Click here for a mail in membership form. Or use the buttons below to instantly join. Use Paypal for your single membership! Click the button below. Use Paypal for your dual membership! Click the button below. |