Wisconsin Pottery Association Directions
Starting February 2010 the Wisconsin Pottery Association's
monthly meeting and presentation will be located in the fully ADA accessible
Goodman Community Center located at 149 Waubesa Street on the east side of
From the north, east or south of Madison or the Beltline
From the Interstate or Hwy 51 take Highway 30 west into Madison. Exit on
Fair Oaks Avenue. Take a left on Fair Oaks. At the second stop light, take a
right on Atwood Avenue. In two blocks take a right on Waubesa Street. Just after
the street jogs to the left there will be a bike path & then the entrance to the
Goodman Community Center on the right.
From the West:
There are several routes which depend on you knowing the city a bit. From
East Washington, head east to Milwaukee Street & turn right. Waubesa Street is
four blocks on the right. The Goodman Community Center will be on your left
right before the bike path. From the Beltline, take either John Nolen Drive or Monona Drive & follow the roads around the lake. From John
Nolen Drive turn
right on Williamson Street which eventually turns into Atwood Avenue. Monona
Drive also turns into Atwood.
Click here for a printable map.