Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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Weller Pottery
Fultonham & Zanesville Ohio

WPA members brought in some of their collection to give a preview of the Wisconsin Pottery Association's show Weller & Company.  Below is Chris Swart, who is organizing the show for the association with the wide range of pottery made by Weller.  The examples were arranged in chronological order from the oldest on the left to newest on the right.


Wisconsin Pottery Association members brought a wide variety of Weller pottery for discussion.

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Weller Baldin line vases, also made with apples on a brown background, ca. 1917

Weller Blue Ware wallpocket. According to the Huxfords` Collectors Encyclopedia of Weller Pottery, the embossed lady was covered with wax prior to dipping the entire piece in blue glaze. During firing, the wax burned away, leaving the lady in white, with additional finishing touches added later.

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Weller lady with swan flower frog, in a white glaze. Flanked by a small Claywood vase, and small Hudson vases.

From left to right, a Dickensware II vase, an Etna line vase, and a small Sicard vase.

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A small, unsigned bowl. Possibly Weller Turada or Dickonsware I. May also be a Cyrano line (ca. 1898) vase by the J.B. Owens pottery, an imitation of Weller's Turada line. Turada, developed by Henry Schmidt and offered no later than 1897, was the first slip trail (squeeze bag or tube lined) Art Pottery line made in the United States, preceding work at Vance-Avon works by 4-5 years. Knowles, Taylor and Knowles had earlier used the technique to decorate porcelain, but the technique was used earlier for the decoration of Pennsylvania German pottery (see Art Pottery of the Midwest by Marion John Nelson).

A Dickensware I jardineire with floral decoration, on an unusual apple green background.

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