Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

Website Content Use


Wisconsin Pottery Association
Show & Sale

There are many ways the you can promote the Wisconsin Pottery Association and its yearly Show & Sale that provides funds to pay for the exhibit at the show and this website. 

  • If you have a website, put a link to our website. 
  • If you sell on eBay, put a link to our website in your "About Me" page.
  • If the item you are selling is pottery, include a link to our site to website if we have information on the pottery.
  • If you are a member of the WPA, say so in you "About Me" and your pottery listings.

The following green text can be used on your Home Page, your eBay "About Me" page (click here to see mine as an example) or other auction sites.  Note that this link will open a new window.

<br><p><center><a href="http://www.wisconsinpottery.org/show/wpa-show.htm" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://www.wisconsinpottery.org/show.gif" alt="Click here for info on the Wisconsin Pottery Association Show & Sale 2008"></a></p><p>&nbsp;</center></p>

You will get the following displayed:

Note this banner will change every once in a while, but you won't need to change anything.

So if you're selling any type of pottery or are linking to our site, you can have the logo of the Wisconsin Pottery Association because the information that our website has can make buyers more informed.  Which makes them more likely to be a purchaser.  The graphic in the following link follows eBay's rules for a discrete logo of 88x33 pixels.  Use the following green text to get the graphic below it:

<br><p><center><a href="http://www.wisconsinpottery.org/index.htm" target="_blank"><img border="0" src="http://www.wisconsinpottery.org/wpa-org.gif" alt="Click here for information on Pottery & the Wisconsin Pottery Association"></a></p>

If you're having problems on how to do this on a different auction site, just e-mail me and I'll try and help.