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Weller & Company The following article appeared in WPA Press, Vol. 9, July 2001. Wisconsin Pottery Association’s Sixth Annual Show and Sale to Feature Weller Exhibit The Wisconsin Pottery Association (WPA) will host its sixth annual Art Pottery Exhibit, Weller and Company, on August 25, 2001 in Madison, Wisconsin. This year’s Exhibit will display over 200 vases and figurals made by the Samual A. Weller Pottery. Ann Gilbert McDonald, Ph.D., will be the WPA’s Special Guest for Weller and Company. Dr. McDonald wrote All About Weller, A History and Collector’s Guide to Weller Pottery, the most comprehensive and authoritative book on Weller Pottery to date, and is the author of over one hundred articles on pottery, lighting, and glass. She will be available during the Exhibit to sign copies of her first Weller book, and to chat informally about Weller Pottery with guests. The Exhibit will be held with the WPA’s top flight Pottery Show and Sale, featuring 50 of the nation’s best dealers selling all types of antique and collectible pottery. Furthermore, WPA members will again informally identify/ evaluate pottery brought to the Exhibit and Pottery Show, limit one item per admission. This will be the WPA’s fifth all- Pottery Show/Sale and Exhibit of American Art Pottery. The WPA is a nonprofit organization formed in 1992 by collectors interested in studying and promoting collectible pottery. Meetings are held monthly and include speakers and informal discussions on pottery. The Pottery Show/Sale, and the Exhibit Weller and Company will be one day only, Saturday, August 25, 2001 in Madison, WI, at the Alliant Energy Center, off Rimrock Road near John Nolen Drive. From I-90 take exit 142A, Hwy 12-18 west 5 miles to Exit 262, Rimrock Road, then north 1/4 mile. For more information (including a map) visit our website. The Exhibit and Show will be open 9AM-4PM. Admission is $3. Special Note: There is a $4 parking fee at the Alliant Energy Center, which will be waived only if an official display ad is presented. This ad can be found at many antique malls in the form of a green card, or on the WPA website, from which you can print a copy: www.wisconsinpottery.org . This special ad must be presented to the parking attendant for free parking. Chris Swart, Curator, Weller and Company Exhibit, 2001 WPA Related Pages: |