Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI 53701-0705
Website Content Use
The following article appeared in WPA
Press, Vol. 16, Spring 2003
Pottery: It's Everywhere
by Tim Zinkgraf - Webmaster
Wherein the WPA’s webmaster, Tim Zinkgraf, becomes the WPA’s
intrepid reporter: Tim recently stumbled upon a pottery goldmine on the streets
of Detroit! We thank him for this special report on Pewabic Pottery Tiles in
Detroit’s PeopleMover train stations.
never know where you’ll find pottery! While looking for information on Detroit
and the North American International Auto Show, I was looking at the Detroit
PeopleMover web site (Detroit’s
elevated train) and something caught my eye. I clicked on a link for one of the
stations, which happened, to my surprise, to have tile from the Pewabic Pottery.
The tile was in storage for a Stroh Brewery that was never built,
Cadillac Center Station or station
#11. The pictured to the right is from that station.
The following text is borrowed from the above web site: “All of
the green tiles you see were actually made in 1935 by Mary Chase Stratton at
Pewabic Pottery. The green tiles were commissioned by the Stroh family for a new
brewery that eventually was never built. The tiles were put in storage until
1985 when Peter Stroh donated them for use in the Art in the Stations project.
The artist incorporated all of the green tiles into her design of archways with
the end result being the beautiful murals you see now. All of the tiles inside
of the archways are new tiles. However, the artist made these new tiles from
historic molds that were made in 1926. In fact, the original workers tiles made
from these molds were installed in Northern High School back in 1929.” As noted
at the web site, this station was dedicated to tile maker Mary Chase Stratton.
following text accompanies the tiles at
Time Square Station
or station #1
(picture to the right): “Good example of the historic murals created at Pewabic.
Very art deco, but with a modern look. Art Deco is a style of art that was first
popular in the early part of this century. Features bold colors and straight
lines as well as simple curved lines in the design. This piece also incorporates
the turquoise colored tiles and historic glaze for which Pewabic is known. W.
Hawkins Ferry, the person in whose honor this art piece is named, was a Detroit
Architect, philanthropist, and a member of our Art in the Stations Commission.”
Tom Phardel, Pewabic Pottery, designed the Times Square Station tiles.
Check out stations
#1, #2,