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WPA Press Issue No. VII January 2001 A Letter from the New Past
President We once again voted to keep our meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. A schedule of meetings will be printed in this newsletter and we're encouraging everyone to put them in your calendar now so that you'll be sure and remember to join us. I want to take this opportunity to thank you all for making my year as President of the WPA a most successful and enjoyable one. As the world's most nervous public speaker I won't miss dealing with the jitters as we conducted the business portion of our meetings. My fears were unwarranted of course as everyone has been so helpful and forthcoming that it has made my job an easy one. I would especially like to thank Kari Kenefick, our Vice President in 2000, who is taking over this month as the new President of the WPA. She will undoubtedly do a terrific job for us in 2001. On behalf of the Executive Committee I would like to wish everyone a happy holiday season and a New Year filled with "great pottery finds". Barb Huhn, WPA Ex-President 2001 WPA Calendar A Few Final Notes We all have our preferences for remembering close friends and those preferences are as varied as we are. My hope is that the letters regarding Dave Auclair and Marion Nelson in this issue would provide insights into these men for those of us that did not know them well. If you know of information that was omitted here, please let me know and we will certainly print it in a later issue of the Press. As we go to Press, there is an exciting announcement: Glenn Clark has agreed to be our Vice President for 2001! I, as well as others, have promised to help Glenn with certain vice presidential duties, such as staffing the 2001 Exhibit and Sale with volunteers, as he is also our Show Manager for that event. We will make certain to not interfere with the excellent job Glenn always does as manager of our annual fundraiser. Finally, I wish to thank Barb Huhn for her support as I learn the ropes and assume the duties of WPA President for the year 2001. As Barb Huhn calculates, she has been president for about 15 months now ( Jim R. believed in early training [grin]) so it's high time I took over. Barb has been the model of patience, good communication and efficiency - she will be a tough act to follow! Thanks for your patience while I learn what does and does not require a motion or a vote for the next couple of meetings. Heck, it couldn't be as bad as trying to figure out what all those mystery pieces are!! That is the real challenge. See you January 9 at the Shorewood Community Center!! Kari Kenefick, WPA President In Error ContributionsYour contributions to the WPA Press are welcome. Please submit them to: Wisconsin Pottery Association