Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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WPA Press
The Newsletter Of The Wisconsin Pottery Association

Issue No. XVI    Spring 2003

From the President  Pauline Log Cabin Update by Ori-Anne Pagel
WPA 2003 Calendar Pottery: It’s Everywhere
A North Carolina Winter Respite Rosemeade Pottery
Ohio Art Pottery - To Have and To Hold Upcoming Art Pottery Shows & Sales

From the President...

Dear Members: We are well into our 11th year now that the snow, what little there was, has disappeared. Unfortunately, one of our few snowfalls was on a meeting night and resulted in the decision to cancel the meeting. We tried to reach you all but, because of our outdated membership roster, we missed several people. I apologize for that and am assured by Tim that a current roster will soon be available.

Thank you all for letting us know what Ohio pottery you have as we begin to plan our "Other Ohio Potteries" exhibit. We are looking forward to broad membership participation in this exhibit, which will give our McCoy, Shawnee, Royal Copley, Rookwood, Cowan, Gonder, Hull, Peters WPA Press Issue XVI and Reed, Brush, Burley Winter, Owens, Zanesville, Nicodemus, Robinson Ransbottom, Clewell, etc. collectors a chance to show their wares.

So polish up your lovely pots; we are about to begin the selection process. The committee (Nicole, Rose, Betty and Dave) would love to have any of you volunteer to join us and help plan the exhibit and choose the pieces to be displayed. Just contact one of us.

Jim and Ellen have sent out the show contracts and are beginning to receive responses. If any of you would like to try selling at the show, just contact Jim and Ellen. I say try to sell, because their are no guarantees things will sell but just trying is fun. I am certain you would have fun just being “one of the dealers”. Advertising will begin soon and we will be on our way toward another great show. We are looking forward to visiting with and hearing Kurt Wild speak at our April meeting. I am certain you will enjoy meeting and hearing this nice gentleman, as well as our members presentation in May, and Steve Schoneck speaking on Cowan Pottery in June.

Enjoy Spring and the start of the flea market hunting season. See you at the flea markets and other hunting places.

David Knutzen, WPA President, 2002

2003 WPA Calendar
March 11 -  Rosemeade Pottery by Linda and Bill Bakken
April 8 - Wilde Studio Pottery by Kurt Wilde
May 13 - WPA Members Present on Ohio Pottery
June 10 - Cowan Pottery by Steve Schoneck
July - No meeting
August 23 - WPA’s 8th Annual Sale and Exhibit featuring Ohio Potteries, 9–4, Alliant Energy Center, Madison, WI.
September 9 - Haviland Pottery by Art and Eileen Wendt
October 14 - Galena Pottery by Bill Engel
November 11 - Art of the Figurine by Tim Holthaus, Rose Lindner, Elaine Staaland
December 2 - WPA Holiday Party (note that this is the first Tuesday in December)

Pauline Log Cabin Update
Ori-anne Pagel recently sent this information for the Arts Council of Edgerton (ACE) on upcoming events. Thanks to Ori-anne for the news!

 As for the Pauline Log Cabin: It’s done but not paid for yet. The Grand Opening is set for Saturday, July 5, 2003 from 11:00am-4:00pm at the site, Clay Pit Heritage Park, 305 W Lawton St. Please put it on your calendar.

We hope to have our local acting Pauline Jacobus present, and the video of Norse pottery, along with Alan Reed’s Pickard book, and the log cabin scrapbooks. Food and music by an Edgerton children’s string group is also planned to mark the occasion. Historical markers are planned but may not be ready for the opening festivities.

All donors, as well as the general public, are invited to attend.

The log cabin, built in the 1830s by German immigrants, later became a major part of Wisconsin pottery history. The cabin will be open during all Edgerton festivals and special events or by appointment. Cadillac Center Station arch, composed of tiles made by Mary Chase Stratton.

In other news from ACE: From May 1–30, 2003 the Rock County Historical Society Collection of Pauline Pottery and other Edgerton pottery, will be on exhibit at the Bank of Edgerton, 102 N. Main St., during regular banking hours. An opening reception date and time will be announced by the Sesquicentennial committee.

Free Concerts in Edgerton’s Central Park:
Wed., June 11 2003, 6:30pm--Chris Plata
Wed., July 9 2003, 6:30pm--Dang Its
Wed., Aug. 13 2003, 6:30pm--Ladies Must Swing

- Ori-Anne and Paul Pagel, WPA Members, and representatives of the Arts Council of Edgerton and Pauline Log Cabin Restoration Project, Edgerton, WI.

- The WPA Press is the quarterly newsletter of the Wisconsin Pottery Association. It prints approximately January, April, July and October of each year. Your contributions are welcomed. Tell us about a museum or antique shop you visited, trips you’ve taken, or a good pottery book you’ve read. Send your contributions to:

Kari Kenefick

Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI 53701-0705


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