Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

Website Content Use


McCoy Pottery
Roseville, Ohio

WPA Related Pages:

Related Sites: (The sites will open up in a new window)

McCoy Pottery Collector's Society - To promote and enhance the study of McCoy Pottery for the advancement of knowledge relating to all facets of the pottery http://www.mccoypotterycollectorssociety.org/index.htm

McCoy Pottery - Specializes in McCoy Cookie Jars.  http://www.mccoypottery.com/

Chiquita's McCoy Pottery - A collector for about 30 years, her web site is devoted to the collection, display, and historical significance of McCoy Pottery.  Pictures & descriptions of marks are listed here.   http://www.quita.net/

McCoy Reproductions - An article about what can be done to stop fakes.  http://www.tjbailey.com/chiquita/whatsnew.htm   Another article on reproductions http://www.mccoypotterycollectorssociety.org/fakes.htm

The Old Times - The Hunt For Rare McCoy - an article on one collector's search for McCoy and how he started collecting it.