Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

Website Content Use


Brush-McCoy Pottery
1911 - 1925
Roseville, Ohio

Brush Pottery
1925 - 1982
Roseville, Ohio


WPA Related Pages:

Related Sites: (The sites will open up in a new window)

Ohio Pottery - Photos of the Brush factory that was destroyed by fire on July 15, 1999.  Includes a history of the building.

McCoyPottery.com - A complete listing of Brush pottery lines & dates along with a brief history about the Brush & Brush-McCoy pottery & its relationship to McCoy Pottery.  Unfortunately, no pictures. http://www.mccoypottery.com/brush/brush.html

The Junky Monkey - Offers an identification guide to Brush pottery giving examples of what to look for in weight, glazing and other characteristics. Has several pages dedicated to animals.   http://www.thejunkymonkey.com/brushid.htm

BrushMcCoy.com - A fee-based, comprehensive guide to researching pottery produced by the J.W. McCoy Pottery Company, The Brush-McCoy Pottery Company and The Brush Pottery Company, of Zanesville and Roseville, Ohio.  A free forum is available at http://brushmccoy.com/v-web/bulletin/bb/index.php