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Wisconsin Pottery Links: This is a collection of Pottery related links to Wisconsin. If you would like to add or correct a link, just contact the webmaster. The links will open a new window in your browser. The links were updated on June 13, 2010 . Studio Tours: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Blue Moon Pottery produces completely handcrafted work, by Reg Behrends, and his family. http://www.bluemoonpotteryinc.com Karl Borgeson Pottery - Whitewater - http://www.karlborgesonceramics.com/ Brickyard Pottery & Glassworks In northwestern Wisconsin, an old brick country schoolhouse is now home to Brickyard Pottery & Glassworks. There, three potters produce the handmade pottery ranging from wheel-thrown kitchenware to sculptural slab pottery. http://www.brickyardpottery.com/ Bruce Johnson Clay Studio - Lake Mills - Raku pieces in a fascinating copper finish or an oriental inspired black & white. http://www.brucejohnsonclaystudio.com/ Bur Oak Pottery - From its Martin Brother Pottery inspired Wally Birds, face pots and vases, this pottery emphasizes it hand created works which gives each piece its own personality. http://www.buroakpottery.com/ Cambridge Soneware - Cambridge - Jim Rowe has created licensed pottery collections for the Museum of American Folk Art, Colonial Williamsburg, The Abbey Aldridge Rockefeller Folk Art Collection and Old Salem Village. http://www.cambridgestoneware.com Cambridge Woodfired Pottery was established on the simple principle of making functional pots inspired by English, French and Asian traditions. This approach, starting with the processing of clay, to turning each piece on the potters wheel and finally firing them in a large wood-burning kiln, pays respect to these ancient traditions as well as producing pottery that is useful and inspires a deeper connection to our daily surroundings. http://www.cambridgepottery.com/ Clay Circus is a clay art center in Madison that offers clay art classes, retail sales of ceramic sculpture and fine art pottery, as well as paint-on-pottery parties. http://www.claycircus.com Cedar Creek Pottery - One of Wisconsin's best places to view and purchase fine handmade pottery is CEDAR CREEK POTTERY, located in the heart of historic Cedarburg, Wisconsin. You'll find us in the loft of Cedar Creek Settlement, Cedarburg's historic landmark, a restored 19th century woolen mill. http://www.cedarcreekpottery.com/ Common Ground Pottery - Madison Wisconsin - Eric E. Olson showed his wares at the 2002 Wisconsin Pottery Show and Sale. http://www.commongroundpottery.com/ Door County Handworks Studio - Madison Wisconsin - Scott Drave's goal is to recreate that small studio creativity and connectedness by being involved in the creation of each piece of quality handmade art that leaves my studio. http://www.doorpottery.com/ Eckels Pottery - Pottery By The Sea - The breeze blowing off Lake Superior tickles the wind chimes outside Eckels Pottery in Bayfield, Wisconsin, coaxing a gentle song from the clay pieces as they softly swing an slide past one another. http://www.ncis.net/pottery/ Elemental Pottery - Broadhead - Simplicity of form and decoration are important in the creation of the work being done in an environmental way. www.elementalpottery.com Ellison Bay Pottery & Gallery Located in a charming apple packing barn across from the Clearing. http://www.doorcountyarts.com/galleries/ellisonbaypottery.html Ephraim Faience Pottery - Deerfield Wisconsin. The Ephraim Faience Pottery creates art pottery, lamps, and tile in the Arts & Crafts style. http://www.ephraimpottery.com Fired Earth Pottery - Appleton - Rick McKinney creates from porcelain & stoneware a wide variety of contemporary functional and artistic wares. www.rickmckinneypottery.com Geneva Art Pottery of Lake Geneva - Owner and potter Claire Bailey presents a short review of her background, education & experiences both here and abroad, and displays some of her works along with those of many other artists in her gallery. She also offers an apprenticeship to one highly motivated person each year. God's County Ceramics - Ceramics, custom designed, one-of-a-kind with lake & woodland themes. www.godscountryceramics.net Guy Wolff Pottery - P. Wakefield & Co - Handmade with respect and admiration for work from the hands of English, French, Tuscan, and American potters of the 18th & 19th century, each piece of Guy Wolff Garden Pottery is hand thrown on a potters wheel by accomplished artisans. http://www.guywolff.com Hawkdancing Studio - St Clear Lake Wisconsin - Clay artists who specialize in artwork that touches your heart! Our main focus is porcelain clay sculpture, and pottery vessels having: goddess, shamanic, or animal themes. http://hawkdancing.com/hawkhom1.htm Jennifer Darner - Stoughton - Jennifer Darner produces dinnerware and other functional pottery in bright contemporary colors using mid-fired stoneware. http://www.stoughtonarts.com/JDarner.htm Jean Smaglik Wells Clay Studio - Milwaukee Wisconsin - Jean creates simple traditional tableware shapes to show off the stylized designs. The designs are carved into each piece by a process called "slip-carving" or "sgraffito". http://www.jeansclaystudio.com/ Johnson Creek Clay Studio - Pottery & Sculpture by Rick Hintze http://johnsoncreekclaystudio.com/ Kreigh Art Ceramics - Madison Wisconsin - Unique hand thrown porcelain sinks, tile, lamps and pottery. www.kreighceramics.com Lakeview Pottery - Sobieski - Traditional and contemporary stoneware. http://www.lakeviewpottery.com/ Landre Pottery & Sculpture - Pottery & sculpture influenced by Greek, Etruscan, and Roman sculpture. www.landrepottery.com Marjorie King Studio - Mount Horeb Wisconsin - Marjorie King is a nationally known Clay Artist specializing in hand-made, one-of-a-kind, nature theme pottery. http://www.marjoriekingstudio.com/ Mill Creek Pottery - Gresham Wisconsin - Usable handmade clay pottery finished by ancient wood firing process in Anagama & other wood fired kilns. http://www.woodfire.com/ Murry Hill Pottery Works - Milwaukee Wisconsin - Murray Hill Pottery Works is a unique establishment within Milwaukee. With both an art gallery and a working studio. http://www.murrayhillpottery.com/ Norris K. Dalton - Fayetteville, Arkansas - Born in Waupun Wisconsin, studied at UW-Oshkosh with Paul S Donhauser (and included in his book) and at UW-Madison under Bruce Breckenridge and Don Reitz. Pottery Tour.com - Provide links to online resource for US potters, pottery, and clay related resources. http://www.potterytour.com/ Potters Wheel Gallery - Fish Creek Wisconsin - More than 40 outstanding studio potters with a reputation for superior craftsmanship and elegant, original design are featured in the gallery. Featuring the pottery of Abe Cohn, a founding member of the Door County Potters Guild. http://www.potterswheelgallery.com/ Rock Eagle Pottery - Cambridge Wisconsin - Situated on a late 19th century farm, Rock Eagle Pottery produces wood-fired utilitarian stoneware and porcelain inspired by the traditional pottery of France, Thailand and southwestern England. http://www.woodfiredpots.com/ Rowe Pottery Works
- Cambridge Wisconsin - Leading manufacturer of handmade pottery and ironware
gifts and decorative accessories. http://www.rowepottery.com/
A new book on Rowe is about to be released by John Faust entitled
The Rowe Pottery Guide.
Silver Creek Pottery & Forge - Random Lake Wisconsin - A variety of clay pieces made for the home and garden by Sylvia Mondloch often combined with forged ironwork by her husband Mark Mondloch. www.silvercreekpottery.com Sixth Street Pottery - Madison Wisconsin - where you can find high quality, handmade ceramic ocarinas (sweet potato and 4-hole), a variety of whistles including bird whistles, musical and clay jewelry, and several reproductions of historical musical instruments. http://www.sixthstreetpottery.com/home.html Spooner Creek Designs - Spooner Creek Designs is the artwork of Michael Macone expressed in clay. He developed a unique process that etches his designs into the clay rather than just on the surface with glaze or a decal. http://www.spoonercreek.com Stoneware by Prisca The simple beauty of traditional pottery in its everyday use is an integral part of the Japanese aesthetic which is a great influence upon the artist's work. http://www.doorcountypottery.com/ Stockholm Pottery - Stockholm Wisconsin - Produces stoneware and Japanese influence wares. http://www.stockholmpottery.com Story Pottery - Mineral Point Wisconsin - Story Pottery was established as a studio and gallery in historic Mineral Point, Wisconsin in 1990. The gallery features tableware by Harriet Story. Interesting story on setting up her kiln.http://www.storypottery.net/ Tinamou Pottery - Madison Wisconsin - offers many unique items for your home and garden. Everything offered is fully glazed and can stay outside all winter. http://tinamoupottery.com/ Tin Roof Raku - Stoughton - Chris Matti has been potting professionally since 1988 when he went to work for Rockdale Union Stoneware. http://www.stoughtonarts.com/ChrisMatti.htm TRPottery - Fish Creek - Simple, attractive and well-made items are the ones used most frequently. http://www.trpottery.com/ Vernon Creek Gallery - Mt. Vernon, WI - Timeless gifts for every occasion, Vernon Creek Gallery specializes in hand-made functional art that will soothe both mind and soul. www.vernoncreekgallery.com Wisconsin Pottery - Inspired by 17th, 18th and 19th century folk pottery produced in Europe and America, all of our redware is hand formed and decorated. http://www.wisconsinpottery.com Working Man Studio - Clintonville - Artist Reid Schoonover creates hand-built and combination thrown/hand-built pieces that represent his inspirations drawn from the Neolithic, Bronze and Iron Ages. http://www.workingmanstudio.com |