Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI 53701-0705
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American Art Pottery Association Convention
March 31 - April 4, 2004

Art Pottery Convention, Show, Sale & Auction , click for more
Show, Sale & Auction held in conjunction with the Annual AAPA Convention.
The American Art Pottery Association is a
national association of Art Pottery collectors and dealers formed to promote the
understanding, appreciation and recognition of American art pottery. Membership
is $45 single; $50 double. The Association publishes a bimonthly JOURNAL with
in-depth articles on pottery, exhibition news and book reviews, historical
reprints and more. Much of the information in JOURNAL articles is based on
original research and not easily found elsewhere. AAPA proceeds are used to
publish the JOURNAL, and to fund the group’s annual donation of pottery of
museums, plus a Scholarship program.
Those wishing additional information on the Convention and its related
Activities can find it on the Association website: http://www.amartpot.org
. The website is a major online resource for pottery collectors and dealers. It
includes well over 150 links to sites related to pottery, a pottery events
calendar, a “theft alert” and a grow-ing pictorial database of art pottery
fakes, forgeries and reproductions.