Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI 53701-0705
Website Content Use
WPA Press
The Newsletter Of The Wisconsin Pottery Association
Issue No. II - September 1999
Notes on the Annual Show and Sale
Featured WPA Member - Barbara Budig
Pottery News: The
Pauline Pottery
By the Way
A Note from the Editor
Well, we finally have what some would say constitutes a newsletter for the WPA.
Thanks for your patience during the first (one page) newsletter, and even yet
while the editor learns how to be such. Much thanks to Nicol
Knappen for his instructions and contributions, to Barbara
Budig for being our first Featured Member, to Jim Riordan and Barb Huhn for
their contributed pieces and help in making it to press, which would not have
happened without Tim and Jim’s assistance, as always! Having said that bit
about patience, I’d like to note that patience is usually, but not always a
virtue. Often what happens is that in the crunch to finally get an item to
press, things are overlooked. So as you read/review this issue and your brain is
shrieking “Why didn’t they mention___” please write it down and bring it
to my/our attention at the next meeting. Email myself (Kari) newsletter@wisconsinpottery.org
or Barb Huhn
or Jim Riordan. Tell us what
that thing is that needs to make the next issue. I promise that content is far
easier to alter further from than next to the Issue III deadline. Speaking of
which, Issue III will be ready approximately January 2000. Contributions should
please be to me by November 15.
We will continue to feature a club member or couple each issue.
I also hope to feature a particular pottery each issue, hope to carry some news
items and am waiting for further suggestions from you. Until next meeting,
please wrap with care! Kari Kenefick – WPA Press
WPA Press Newsletters