Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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The following article appeared in WPA Press, Vol. 15, Winter 2003


As noted in the October 2002 WPA Press: In September 2002, the Krannert Art Museum at the University of Illinois - Urbana completed renovations on its Moore Gallery of Decorative Arts. The expansion of the Gallery quadrupled the size of its already impressive display of American art pottery. Sixty-two pieces have been drawn from storage and now join some twenty pots already on permanent display. Nearly all of the displayed pottery descends from a study collection that was assembled in the mid- to late- ‘teens by the University's Department of Ceramic Engineering.

For those wishing to visit the Krannert Art Museum in Urbana IL, regular hours are:

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sat.
Closed on Mondays.

Between terms and during holidays the hours change. Please check their website for the most up-to-date information:

Thanks to Richard Mohr for providing this text and the museum information.

 – Kari Kenefick, editor WPA Press

Cornwall Kirkpatrick, the “Chicago News Paper directory jug, 1879. 22” H, hand thrown, incised stoneware with cobalt worked into incising prior to receiving a light salt glazing. Signed with two squares at bottom edge: “C & W. Kirkpatrick/Anna Ill/August 10 1879//Anna Pottery/Anna Ill” and on the lip: “C & W Kirk.”

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