Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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Haeger Potteries
Dundee Illinois

Haeger:  The Early and the Extroaordinary

The current president of Haeger Pottery, Alexandra Haeger Estes, inspects some scarce early examples of her firm's ware.

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This exhibition contained over 200 pieces from member of the association (this year's exhibit will contain over 300 pieces).

Side-by-side comparisons of early Haeger pottery with vases from Fulper and Stangl.

Early Haeger, again, compared with Fulper and Stangl shapes and glazes.


Haeger from the teens and 20s. Note the Teco-like three-footed salad bowl in the center foreground. The glaze is virtually identical to one produced at Fulper.

Early vases from the teens and 20s. Haeger has recently begun producing some of these shapes.

Examples of Haeger in its well-known and often misidentified Geranium Leaf green glaze. Other pottery firms in the Midwest--like RumRill--used glazes that are almost identical to it.


A few of the many lamps lamps that Haeger produced. The tall urn shape (sans shade) in the center dates to the late teens.

Haeger that was produced in the late 20s and early 30s featured strong shapes and simple matt glazes

 Transition from early 30s ware to figural ware of the Hickman era.

Onion vases showing a wide range of Haeger's extraordinary glazes from the 40s through the 60s.

Examples of Haeger from the 60s and 70s.

Some more examples of Haeger from the 60s and 70s

Large-scale Haeger figural pieces, as seen here, were often adapted for use as lamp bases

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