Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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Dryden Pottery

Presented June 8, 1999

The Dryden Pottery lecture is divided into two periods, the years of operation at Ellsworth, Kansas (1946-1956), and those at Hot Springs, Arkansas (1956-to the present time).  Examples of pottery from each period will be provided for a hands on experience by those in attendance.

The lecture will include biographical  information about Jim Dryden.  Each period will be dealt with separately, with emphasis on the types of production, clays, and glazes used.  With this basic evidence, collectors will be able to easily identify both periods of operation with relative ease.

In addition to pots, figurals, and miscellany, there will be  a display of paper memorabilia to enhance one's awareness of the fifty three years of Jim Dryden's adept management of Dryden Pottery.

As the lecture progresses, we encourage questions as they occur rather than at the end of the lecture.  This method of questioning enhances the presentation.

Biographical information on the Presentors:

Burdell Hall - retired high school social studies teacher
Doris Hall - retired bookkeeper/secretary
Publications: Morton's Potteries: 99 Years
Morton's Potteries: 99 Years Vol. II
Shearwater Pottery, A Bastion of Design  Journal of the American Art Pottery Association,  May-June, 1990
Dryden Pottery  Journal of the American Art Pottery Association Sept.-Oct., 1995
Dryden Potteries Hot Springs, Arkansas  The Collector, January 1998
Advisors: Garage Sale & Fleamarket Annual,  Sharon Huxford, Ed.
Official Identification and Price Guide to Pottery and Porcelain, Harvey Duke, Ed.
Schroeder's Antiques Price Guide, Bob & Sharon Huxford, Eds.
Warman's Americana & Collectibles,  Ellen Schroy, Ed.