Wisconsin Pottery Association
P.O. Box 705
Madison WI

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The following article appeared in WPA Press, Vol. 15, Winter 2003

Introducing WPA Members — Bob & Lila Jean Stahnke

WPA members are regularly interviewed (interrogated?) for their stories, which are then printed (misappropriated?) in the WPA Press newsletter. January 2003’s victims are Bob and Lila Jean. (Perhaps when the ‘15 seconds of fame’ arrives, we find it’s not all it’s cracked up to be?) Seriously, we very much appreciate the Stahnke’s taking a little time to tell us about themselves and how and what they like to collect. Lila Jean provided this information:

WPA Press: Tell us a little about yourselves.

A: We are Bob and Lila Jean, originally form St. Paul, Minnesota. Bob is a Veterinarian retired from the Federal Government Meat and Poultry Inspection Service after 43 of service. I (Lila Jean) also work as a clerk for Black Horse Auction service—have been clerking for 20 years.

WPA Press: What do you like to collect when you’re out antiquing?

A: We didn’t start collecting until we moved here from Chicago area 30 years ago. When we started it was mainly Red Wing and furniture. Bob enjoyed working with wood and was good at it. By now you can say we are eclectic as we enjoy many items. We enjoy collecting pictures, amongst other things.

WPA Press: When did you join the WPA and how did you hear about the club?

A: We saw the WPA announcement in the newspaper and decided to come to your meeting. It was so exciting to bring one of our favorite pieces to our first meeting, and with all your knowledge you were able to tell us it was a Roseville Winsor piece. We really enjoy the people at the WPA meetings and are learning a lot.

WPA Press: Do you antique when you are traveling? What kind of sales do you frequent?

A: We go to many, many, many auctions. If we do any traveling we always look for auctions.

WPA Press: Any other comments you’d like to make?

A: This was our second Christmas party [with the WPA, Dec. 2002] and want to Thank all the people who put it together. Fun was had by all!

Thanks to Bob and Lila Jean for taking some holiday time out to provide this information!

Kari Kenefick, WPA Press Editor